Rob Kuijt's Testing Blog
The Interface with Camano is working! What's next? 
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 09:39 AM - Testing, Rosario
Posted by Rob Kuijt
We (the Sogeti Rosario TAP team) managed to generate test cases directly from Rosario Activity Diagrams and automatically wrote them into Camano!

In previous articles I already wrote about the generating part of this coupling (see Generating Test Cases part 1 and part 2 ).
My wish to write the test cases directly into Camano triggered Clemens Reijnen to dive into the code. Clemens managed to create a "Generate Test Cases" button within the Activity Diagram functionality of Team Architect!
After pushing on this button, the Test Cases pop up like magic in Camano. Ready for use!
See his video about this!

So…..What's next?

I started already some thinking about Unit Testing Support.
Designing test cases for the Unit Test is mostly done manually.

I don't like manual work……I think that this work can be automated to!!

It would be great if we could create another Magic Button!
Preferably: a button that can create "ready for use" Unit Test cases.

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