Rob Kuijt's Testing Blog
Where are the Test Design Patterns? 
Sunday, July 6, 2008, 04:50 PM - Quality, Testing
Posted by Rob Kuijt
Triggered by the article "Common Test Patterns and Reuse of Test Designs" on the MSDN Test Center, I realized that we are very good in reinventing wheels!
Last week I explained two different test teams the same solution for a test problem without referring to a Test Design Pattern at all...

So, let's make my life easier. There must be a giant collection of Test Patterns on the internet. If I find the right sites, all I have to do is referring to these Test Pattern Collections...
A few hours later I woke up:
OK, there are Test Patterns out there, but they are not easy to find.
My first tip: Don’t search for "Test Patterns", otherwise you may find some... ;-)

Better is to look for "Test Design Patterns". After some time I found some promising books, and, even better, I found some patterns.
I was hoping to find Test Design Patterns on a more abstract functional level, like "Search Engine Test Pattern", "Web Shop Test Pattern" or "Database Conversion Test Pattern". But nevertheless I am happy with the ones I found.

Because I didn't find a site with a kind of index mechanism on Test Design Patterns to refer to, I started one of my own. I spent my weekend on making two
Test Design Pattern indexes: Alphabetical and Grouped.

I'll keep on looking for more, and If I can find the time, I'll try to create some "How to Test"-articles on the more abstract test problems like testing search engines, web shops, database conversions and so on... May be these will grow to Test Design Patterns we all can use.


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